JTV vs Jared: A Deep Dive into the World of High-Quality, Affordable Jewelry

Are you in the market for some stunning new jewelry? Two popular names in the industry are JTV Jewelry and Jared. While both offer a wide variety of products, they have distinct differences that can affect your buying decision. In this comprehensive brand review, we'll compare JTV Jewelry vs Jared on product line and prices. By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of which brand suits your style and budget best!

About JTV Jewelry

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JTV Jewelry is a popular jewelry brand that offers exquisite pieces for any occasion. Their product line includes an extensive collection of rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and watches that cater to different tastes and budgets. One distinctive aspect of JTV Jewelry is their emphasis on gemstones. They offer an impressive range of gemstones such as diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds in various colors and cuts. These precious stones are featured prominently in many of their designs. Another notable feature is the affordability factor – JTV Jewelry's prices won't break the bank! Many customers appreciate this because they can enjoy high-end looking pieces without spending a fortune. JTV also has frequent sales which allows them to offer even better deals.

About Jared

Jared is a well-known jewelry brand that has been in the industry for decades. Known for their high-quality and exquisite collections, Jared has always been a go-to destination when it comes to shopping for fine jewelry pieces. One of the unique features of Jared is their personalized service. They offer expert guidance to customers regarding diamond selection, custom design options, and ring sizing. Their in-store experts are skilled at guiding customers through every step of the process to ensure they get exactly what they're looking for. Jared's product line features an extensive collection of engagement rings, wedding bands, necklaces, bracelets, earrings and other accessories made from various precious metals such as gold, platinum and silver.

JTV Jewelry vs Jared: Product Line

Shop JTV Jewelry

When it comes to product line, JTV Jewelry and Jared are quite different. JTV Jewelry offers a wide range of jewelry pieces at affordable prices. They have an extensive collection of gemstones and offer unique designs that cater to all tastes.

On the other hand, Jared focuses on fine diamond jewelry with classic designs. Their products are high-end and come with a premium price tag. Although they do offer some alternative stones such as sapphires and rubies, their focus remains mainly on diamonds.

If you're looking for affordable yet stylish jewelry pieces that can be customized according to your preference then JTV Jewelry is the way to go. If you prefer diamond classics or want something with limited customizations then Jared might be more suited for you.

JTV Jewelry Jared
Rings Necklaces
Gemstones Bracelets
Bracelets Diamonds
Necklaces Charms
Watches Watches
Jewelry Sets Rings

JTV Jewelry vs Jared: Prices

Grab The Deal

When it comes to prices, JTV Jewelry and Jared are on opposite ends of the spectrum. JTV is known for providing affordable jewelry options that won't break the bank. In fact, they often have clearance sales where you can snag a piece for an even lower price.On the other hand, Jared has a reputation for being on the pricier side. They offer high-end luxury pieces with premium materials and craftsmanship at a premium price point.

While both brands have their unique selling points in terms of pricing, it ultimately depends on your budget and what you're willing to spend. If you're looking for everyday accessories or gifts without spending too much, then JTV may be your go-to option. Whether you choose JTV Jewelry or Jared largely depends on your personal preferences when it comes to pricing and budgeting!

JTV Jewelry vs Jared: Personalization

Customize Your Jewelry

When it comes to personalization, JTV has the edge with its extensive customization options for engagement rings and other fine jewelry pieces. However, Jared also offers some degree of personalization through their engraved and birthstone collection. JTV stands out in this area due to its ability to create unique and custom designs. Customers can work with a designer to come up with their own unique piece of jewelry or even have an existing design tweaked to better suit their needs. On the other hand, Jared's customization options are limited and customers can only add engravings or birthstones to existing pieces. JTV also offers more competitive prices on many of its custom pieces compared to Jared.

JTV vs Jared: Deals & Clearance

One important factor when it comes to making a purchase decision is the price. That's where deals and clearance come in. In terms of deals and clearance events, both brands offer great discounts. But again, JTV takes the lead with their daily deals and extensive clearance selection.

Jared offers regular deals on their website, with discounts ranging from 10% off all the way up to 25% off select items. They also have a dedicated clearance section where you can find even bigger discounts on pieces that may be out of season or discontinued. JTV, on the other hand, has daily deals that change every day. These deals often feature some of their best-selling items at discounted prices. JTV also has a clearance section where you can find deeply discounted jewelry pieces. When it comes down to it, both brands offer great options for those looking for deals and clearance items. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and what kind of sales each brand currently has available.

JTV vs Jared: Lab Grown Diamonds

Shop Lab Grown Diamonds

When it comes to lab-grown diamonds, both brands have taken different routes. Jared has recently started offering lab-grown diamonds alongside their natural counterparts in order to provide more sustainable options for customers. They offer a selection of Forevermark Pure grown diamonds that are certified by IGI as well as laboratory-created colored gemstones.

On the other hand, JTV has been selling lab-grown diamond simulants that look like real diamonds but are not actual carbon crystals. These simulants are created from materials such as cubic zirconia or moissanite and can be an affordable option for those who want a diamond-like look without breaking the bank.

While both JTV and Jared offer beautiful jewelry pieces with their own unique styles and offerings, they cater to different markets when it comes to lab-grown diamonds. Ultimately, choosing between these two brands depends on your personal preferences and budget when it comes to purchasing ethical and eco-friendly jewelry items.

JTV vs Jared: Featured Brands

In terms of featured brands, Jared carries well-known designer names such as Neil Lane and Vera Wang. On the other hand, JTV has exclusive partnerships with up-and-coming designers like Bella Luce and Moissanite Fire. When it comes to featured brands, both companies offer a variety of designers and collections. However, Jared stands out with its exclusive partnerships with luxury brands like Neil Lane and Vera Wang. Ultimately, your choice between JTV and Jared will depend on your budget, style preferences, and priorities when it comes to ethical sourcing and sustainability in jewelry production. Regardless of which brand you choose, always remember to do thorough research beforehand to ensure that you're getting the best value for your money.


To sum up, JTV Jewelry and Jared are two popular jewelry brands known for their excellent quality products. Both brands offer a wide range of jewelry collections at different price points to cater to the needs of various customers.
Jared is more focused on luxury jewelry items while JTV Jewelry offers affordable yet stylish options. If you're looking for high-end diamond rings or engagement bands, Jared might be your go-to choice. On the other hand, if you want to buy trendy pieces that don't break the bank, then consider checking out JTV Jewelry. It's difficult to choose one brand over the other as both have their own strengths and weaknesses. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and budget. We hope this comprehensive brand review has helped you understand both JTV Jewelry and Jared better so that you can make an informed decision when purchasing your next piece of jewelry!